
Friday, May 28, 2010

Cute Storage Reuse

I had a bag of dried black beans that were spilling all over my cupboard. I decided to find something to hold the beans so I wouldn't have an extra mess to clean up. I found this old yogurt carton just waiting to be used so I poured the beans in and marked the container. I then found three more of the same countainers so I decided I could make them all into cute new storage for the kitchen.

I Just covered them with some cute adhesive drawer liner I had left over from my bookcase project. I knew I would find a use for it.


I just cut off a big peace and covered the sides. I then used a sharp knife to trim off the ends. You could use an exacto knife, which would make more sense but I couldn't find mine.

I then just printed off some labels I made.

And glued them on with a good old fashion glue stick.

You could put an extra label on the top but I just decided against it. I think they look cute just like this.

I see many more of these containers in my future. I started walking around the kitchen just noticing how many things would be prefect inside this size container.  Chocolate chips? Check! Lentils? Check!

I made the labels into a PDF form so everyone can print them out and use them for whatever you want! Get the labels here. 



  1. Ever since I was a kid my mom taught me to save things like this to reuse, but we never made ours look so cute, I love it!

  2. Ah ha! Good old drawer liner! Now, why would I never have thought of that?? So simple, yet so cute! I'm going to have to try it on my recycled boxes and containers now! Thanks!

  3. Great idea! I am too cheap to buy cute little containers, and thrifty enough to save my yogurt containers, too! My pantry would be so very happy...

  4. Very clever! I love the idea. Thanks!!!

  5. Great idea. I love those tiny shells...they are my favorite.

  6. Really cute! I've used big yogurt containers to hold homemade granola to give as a gift. I covered with scrapbook paper, but I like your shelf liner much better. Cute labels too!

  7. Not only did you show a cute tutorial but you included the labels! I love it! I am going to go through my pantry now :)

    Link up at my place too if you want:

  8. These are cute but you might want to be careful. The things you have in them can go rancid if kept in humid cabinets and pantrys, yogurt containers are not airtight.

  9. I can't believe it! They turned out so cute! I love that I am your friend and get to benefit from your craftyness. I just made a "Dogs" box like your "Toys" box. I love it it turned out way cute!

  10. Super cute idea. You could do this with little girl hair clips and bands. Or use it in the home office for paper clips, rubber bands, pushpins...

  11. Man, and I just gave a bunch of these type things away!! Great idea!

  12. hey! i just randomly found your blog... and i LOVE the idea of reusing the yogurt container. oh my goodness, it's such a cute idea! definitely going to save those lables !

  13. great idea im printing out the labels.. what font did you use? I really want my labels to all match, ya know?

    thanks for the great idea!

  14. Joelle,
    The font is called "smiley Monster".

  15. Thanks for sharing the label downloads! I am printing some off right now!

  16. PERFECT! I love this idea -- I save all my old containers....but they don't look this cute! I will definitely be doing this!

  17. Everytime I throw one away I stop to think , What can I do with this? Fabulous idea and they are just so darn cute.

    Thanks for the inspiration!

  18. These turned out really cute!

  19. Very clever and I would never know that you made those.

  20. I would have never thought of this! So cute!

  21. I love this idea! It would be really cute to put a bunch of them in a wooden tray and put the labels on top of the lids. You could do this for a craft tray or sewing tray. I might just make one myself. Thanks for the idea!

  22. Hi...just found you from the csi project, I linked there too. I love this project, because I label just about everything. Thanks for the inspiration.
    Take care,

  23. What a great idea! I need to hit the grocery store tomorrow...guess I'll be stocking up on yogurt:o)


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