
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Thankful Tree

I had a bunch of this brown packaging paper from a box I got from Amazon.  I love shopping from Amazon, I get the most random stuff delivered like diapers, tampons and toys. They all come in boxes with packaging paper.  This had been sitting downstairs in a heap in a corner. I was thinking about making a large scale thankful tree and when I saw this paper I knew it would be perfect.

I decided to tape the tree to our pantry door which is just about the most used door in my house and the center of our home. Everyday we can add a few leaves that say what we are thankful for.

This is how our tree looks now. A little bare but it's growing everyday.  It's been so fun hearing all of the random sweet things Addie has to say. Some of my favorites so far are; "I'm grateful for mommy for making my lunch" and "for Gracie for giving me loves" (we call hugs loves).  I'm excited to see what else we come up with. I'll post a photo of the finished tree on Thanksgiving.

Today I am thankful for the library. Where else would I go during that last hour and half before daddy gets home, the girls are driving me crazy and we need to get out of the house?

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