
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Elmo and Cookie Monster Cupcakes

Sorry I haven't posted in such a long time. I just wanted a little break from the computer for the last few weeks. I haven't even looked at other blogs and hardly checked my emails. Well I'm back with a fun post! My little Addie turned two yesterday! I can't believe how fast the time has flown, she has turned into such a fun little toddler.

For her birthday party yesterday I wanted to make Elmo cupcakes, she LOVES Elmo so I knew she would love these. They were really easy to make and turned out really cute.

First you get a cupcake.

Then you frost the top of the cupcake with red. I used the "grass" tip to make the fur.

Then you add the eyes, I used white candy melts or you could use marshmallows or just pipe white frosting into circles.


Pipe on a orange nose.

Add black dots to the eyes.


And don't forget the mouth.


I also decided to do cookie monster so Elmo would have some friends. Just make him the same way only in blue.


Add eyes...


I ran out of black frosting for the mouths so most of them only got small lines, but I don't think Addie noticed. 



  1. Sometimes you make me sick because you are so dang CUTE! I love all of your ideas...can you please just send some of your creativity my way:)

  2. Oh I LOVE these cupcakes! :-)


  3. i am totally stealing this idea for my nephew's b-day in may, so cute!
    -love, EM

  4. Thanks Madison! Em, you should make them! They are easy and Addie LOVED them.


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