
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Photography Week 4

I'm back! I had a wonderful Thanksgiving, full of food and family. I didn't really feel like blogging last week, I didn't even feel like reading blogs. I'll be posting the giveaway this week since I was a slacker last week.

Here is the lesson for the next week. Have fun taking picture and practicing. Reed and I took Addie out during the weekend for a fun photo shoot. I think we came away with some really fun pictures. The one above is my new favorite.


  1. I love this picture!!! You are going to take my family pictures....when our family gets a little bigger...right;) I am constantly amazed at the wonderful things that you do! You are such and example to me!

  2. Thanks I love this picture too. We had a really hard time trying to get her to look at the camera but this one worked out.
    Yay Madison has a blog, I want to see!


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