
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Diaper Rash Dilemma

So a couple of weeks ago Addie had a diaper rash that would not die. No matter how often I changed her diaper, smooched on cream, let it air dry, it just kept living strong. It got to the point she would cry in pain when changing her diaper. Then I saw a comment on line that said to sprinkle some baking soda into the bath to clear up diaper rash. I tried it that day and the next day her rash was gone! Brilliant. I've tried it one other time since with the same results. After I wash her I just sprinkle a little into the water and let her play as usual. She now wants it in every bath, she thinks it makes "bapples"(bubbles).

Works for me. Click Here for more Works for me Wednesdays.


  1. Try using Dr Hess Udder Ointment for Baby Butts. It is fabulous on diaper rash but also works great on all skin care needs such as dryness, eczema, chafing, and more...


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