
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Menu Plan Monday, 7th week

New week, new menu. I can't believe how fast each weeks is going! Christmas will be here before we know it!

Monday: Black Bean and Rice Burgers

Tuesday: Mad Dog Cycles Team Meeting with Dinner!

Wednesday: Chick Beef Chicken

Thursday:Quinoa Salad

Friday: Cheese Enchiladas

Saturday: Left overs

Sunday: Steak, Potatoes, Rolls

For more menus please visit I'm an Organize Junkie.


  1. I love black bean burgers -- do you have a recipe for yours?

  2. I'm trying to learn to do a menu each week so I'm visiting the various blogs that have weekly menus for ideas. We love Enchiladas -- I make them with chicken and cheese usually but haven't quite worked out how to keep them from getting too crispy -- DH doesn't like that -- sigh. It is amazing how fast the summer went by though isn't it!?!

  3. Thanks for checking out my blog from Menu Plan Monday! I will definitely have to check out your links to free offers - awesome!

  4. Hi Katie! Thanks for posting on my blog. It looks like we started Menu Plan Monday the same week. This is my 7th week too! :-) I am really loving it.

    Here is the recipe I'm gonna use for Yakatori -

    I am so happy to be trying new things. Tonight I made a stuffed chicken recipe from Miss Vickies Pressure Cooker Book and my husband said it was the best chicken he's ever had! Wow! Better bookmark that one! LOL!

    The recipe for the rolls you listed for Sunday looks really good! I may have to try that too!

    Take care! :-)


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