
Sunday, August 23, 2009

Menu Plan Monday, 3rd Week

The best tip I could give someone who is going to start planning a weekly meal plan is to be flexible. Every week I end up changing our menu plan because sometimes our schedule gets crazy or I just don't want to cook. If this happens I usually move that meal to the next week because I already have the ingredients.

Monday: Pasta with Fresh Tomato Sauce

Tuesday: Cub Scout Pack Meeting with BBQ

Wednesday: Bowtie Chicken Cesar Salad (leftover noodles from Monday, leftover chicken from Sunday)

Thursday: Chicken Enchiladas

Friday: Date Night

Saturday: Sweet and Sour Chicken

Sunday: Pork chops on Potatoes

Stay tuned this week for Peach Week, all things peach!
Click Here for more Menu Plan Monday.


  1. Great menu!!!

    Question... What recipe do you use for your Sweet and Sour Chicken? I have been wanting to try this, however have not been brave enough!

  2. I use a recipe from a cooking class I took once. It is really good and really easy to make. I'll post the recipe today and then add a picture later this week when I make it. You should try it!


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