
Friday, June 11, 2010

The Dish Mat

 I saw this cute dish mat tutorial around Christmas time on Life in Grace and I instantly knew I had to make one. Of course that "instantly" has turned into almost 6 months but that is actually a lot faster than I get around to doing a lot of things. Anyway, Darby from Fly Through Our Window created the tutorial, which I didn't follow exactly, more just did my own thing but used the tutorial as a guide line. It turned out great! I'm so excited to start using it, I think I'll end up making an even bigger one next time.

Just line all your dishes in a row when you don't want to put them in the dishwasher. I'll probably just be using this for the larger items that don't fit in my dishwasher but I wanted to make the pictures pretty.

When you're all done just roll it up and store in a drawer, so simple. This is a easy and fast craft. I almost finished the whole thing last night when Reed and Addie had to make an emergency fish taco run.
Click here to be taken to Darby's tutorials and then click "Dish Mat". Did I mention how much I love Fly Through Our Window? It is one of my favorite feel good blogs. I could spend hours reading all of her posts.

Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap up party!


  1. Cute dish mat! I've wanted to make once ever since I saw it on Darby's blog (LOVE her blog as well). I need first need to really learn to sew and then I can tackle this. One day.

  2. Love this! I bet it would be great for the big dishes! And yours looks thick, so maybe even for hot plates and things?

  3. Love this! I bet it would be great for the big dishes! And yours looks thick, so maybe even for hot plates and things?

  4. Visiting from Tatertots and Jello...super cute!

  5. DARLING idea!! Where in SLC are you? Me too!!

  6. Such a cute idea! I will remember this!

    Thanks so much for sharing!

    Take Care,

  7. How cute and useful!! Would love for you to link this up to Fabulous Friday! It's up until tomorrow night (Monday!) Always love hearing good blog recc's as well so thanks for sharing!
    Heather @

  8. That is so much prettier than my ugly dish rack. And so much easier on the wine glasses too!


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