
Monday, May 10, 2010

These is my words

These is my Words: The Diary of Sarah Agnes Prine, 1881-1901 (P.S.)My new favorite book right now, These is my Words: The Diary of Sarah Agnes Prine, 1881-190 by Nancy Turner. 
"A moving, exciting, and heartfelt American saga inspired by the author's own family memoirs, these words belong to Sarah Prine, a woman of spirit and fire who forges a full and remarkable existence in a harsh, unfamiliar frontier. Scrupulously recording her steps down the path Providence has set her upon form- from child to determined young adult to loving mother- she shares the turbulent events, both joyous and tragic, that molded her, and recalls the enduring love with cavalry office Jack Elliot that gives her strength and purpose."
I cannot even tell you how much I loved this book. I had a really hard time starting because the title and cover are just, blah. That doesn't matter at all once you get into this book because it's amazing. Sarah is my hero, she is a strong stubborn woman that does what needs to be done, Period. Several times during this book I was in awe of her and all the trials she had to deal with. I told Reed a number of times that I would have died if I was in her shoes, I don't know how she did it.  I got so emotionally involved in this book that it tore my heart out and I cried like I haven't done in a long time. Normally that would make me hate the book but I don't, I expected to cry and that's what I did.

I have to mention the romance between Jack and Sarah, this is probably my favorite romance ever, as of right now. I may change my mind later since I just finished the book about 5 minutes ago, but you will love the connection between Jack and Sarah. It feels like Anne and Gilbert to me, but more. LOVED IT, is all I have to say. I'm going to go back and reread my favorite parts of the book now.

If you are like me just waiting for  Mockingjay  to come out so you have something good to read, go check this one out and start reading, you will get so caught up in this story you will forget to feed your baby breakfast. 

Read it, tell me what you think. I've got to talk to someone about this book!


  1. ohh i need a good book to read. i actually reread hunger games and catching fire haha cuz i didnt have anything else.

  2. Oh, Katie! I LOVED this book! I loved every page of it, and you have GOT to read the sequel, it's fabulous too! (It's called Sarah's Quilt).

  3. JeriAnn: I'm about to reread Hunger Games again before the next one comes out too! I don't remember everything and I want it to be fresh in my mind.
    Heidi: You liked the sequel? I was worried it wouldn't be as good, but if you liked it I'll check it out!


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