
Monday, April 19, 2010

Just talking...

I apologize for the lack of posting recently. My husband just made a switch in jobs so we had him home with us for the last three week. It was so fun to have him home that it just felt like a nice long vacation.

In other news, we are in the process of trying to find a home.  Which is probably the most horrible experience I've ever been through! I've dreamed of the house I would some day own, but right now I just want to curl up in my little apartment and never leave if it means I can stop all of the hassle that goes with house hunting.  I'll be back soon with new posts.


  1. I'm sorry house hunting has been sucha drag. Mike had little to no imput on homes...I chose this one because I liked it the best out of all of the homes we had seen and this was the only one he actually walked through. Now I kinda wish he had more imput with our home just because now we're finding things that it would be nice to have...I guess priorities change. All I wanted then was a garage and a dishwasher...I got both:) You'll find your perfect's worth the wait:)

  2. House hunting can definitely be discouraging! It took us about a year to find our house and then we had to wait for it to be built as well. My advice....BE PICKY! Buying a house is a huge investment, so you are allowed to nitpick about everything! Corey told me a million times I was being too picky, but we are both so glad we didn't settle on one of the other houses that we thought were okay and found the one we loved. Good Luck!!


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