
Monday, March 1, 2010


I've been given some awards that I have never posted. I'm so grateful to get the awards, it made me feel happy and giddy inside. This is exactly why I love blogging so much, you get to reach out and make someone else happy that you've never met. I haven't passed on the awards yet because I've been really lazy but here goes. I don't know any of the rules for these awards so I'll just pass them on.

First, Lori from Peterson St. Louis was so sweet and gave me some awards FOREVER ago. I've been procrastinating posting them because I could not only pick a few blogs that I love.
Give this to: Summer from Sumo's Sweet Stuff. I just love all of her fun ideas and links.
Give this to: Madison from Piece by Piece. Madison is a good friend of mine and I've enjoyed her comments on my blog.
Give this to: Jenny at Have Your Cake. She helps me get motivated to be healthier. I love to read her nutrition and fitness tips.

Ashleigh from Thankfully Thrifty gave me the Sunshine Award.
Give this to: Jessica from Utah Deal Diva. I look at TONS of frugal living blogs but this one is one of my favorites. Not only does she post about coupons and deals but she also posts about free activities and events going on around Utah. Love it!

Meredith from The Powell Pow Wow was so sweet to give me the Kreativ Blogger Award.
Give this to:
Bridget at Bake at 350. Makes some AMAZING cookies! I love to look at all of her yummy creations.

Lulu's Tiles She has some of the cutest St. Patrick Day Decor ideas!
Please visit all of these lovely blogs!

Annie from Annie's Eats. I love her blog, every recipe looks amazing!


  1. Oh, thank you so much! I really appreciate that! ♥

  2. Thanks so much! Usually you post a lot during the week...I missed seeing all of your fun ideas! I don't know if I told you but I love your new design!


I love to have comments so tell me what you think!