
Sunday, January 3, 2010


I did it. I read 100 books in 2009. I'm so happy that I actually did it. I thought it would be easy because I love to read, and I do it all the time, but it was actually really hard. A lot of the time I didn't feel like reading but felt like I had to read whenever I had any down time, it became more of a chore.

This year one of my goals is to read more of the classics. I read a lot of good books last year but I read even more fluff. They were fun while I was reading them, but I don't remember anything about them anymore. I want to read books that are more substantial this year.

Here is a list of some of my favorite books from last year. The are all different and I enjoyed them for different reasons. If you have a question about one of these or the others I read just let me know!
  • The Hunger Games and Catching Fire - LOVE LOVE LOVED these books.
  • They did it with love - Fun mystery, interesting twisted ending
  • Number 1 Ladies Detective Agency - Cute and easy book. I loved how clean and simple it was.
  • City of Bones, City of Ashes, City of Glass - Great books to read when done with The Huger Games. Not quite as good but I really enjoyed reading them.
  • The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society - Loved this book a lot more than I had imagined. Interesting story and cute little romance.
  • Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day - Loved the movie, wanted to read the book.
  • Murder on the Orient Express - I love Agatha Crisitie. There is a reason why this is a classic Mystery.
  • Austenland - Fun book for Pride and Prejudice lovers.
  • Love After All - One of my favorite LDS Romances.
  • Jurassic Park - First time reading it and I really enjoyed it. Great way to break up the romance mystery pace I had going.
  • The Help - Really interesting book, I think it should be made into a classic.
  • The Lovers' Knot - Another fun mystery with a little romance on the side.
  • I'd Tell You I Love You but then I'd Have to Kill You - Young Adult spy book series that will be made into a movie, I think younger girls would really enjoy reading it.
  • Princess Academy - Another Young Adult book that I really enjoyed reading.
  • I'll find you - Great LDS mystery, reread it and enjoyed it as much as the first time.
  • Time and Eternity - A new LDS Romance to me that I still remember, so it must have been good.
  • The witch of Blackbird Pond - I love this classic Young Adult book.
  • Dear John - Nicholas Spark book, so I cried. I didn't love the ending but I enjoyed reading the book.


  1. Wow! Impressive! I love to read and also find myself reading fluffy books a lot. It is nice how they don't take too much concentration to enjoy. I don't like having to concentrate too hard on what I'm reading, just take a break for the kids, house, etc. I also have enjoyed juvenile fiction because I've had lots of bad experiences checking out adult books and finding bad parts in them. The juvenile books are clean for the most part.

    I've been reading the Wizard of Oz series by Frank Baum. I like them pretty well, you should try them.

  2. I feel the same way about reading. I do it to take a little break from the day. I want something fun and light to read. I've also had a hard time finding books that are clean, I wish they had ratings like movies so I would know before I start reading one and have to stop because it makes me uncomfortable.

    Thanks for the suggestion, I'll have to read them!

  3. Thanks for posting those books. I will have to add them to my list of books that I want to read. I made a goal to read 27 books this year. We have very similar taste in books so I am excited to read these:)

  4. I read (or rather, listened to) the Hunger Games and Catching Fire because you said that they were good. And they TOTALLY are!!!

    I read one chapter every night right before I go to sleep. It works really well for me. Right now I'm re-reading A Tale of Two Cities and before that I read Emma. I've always enjoyed classics, but I totally understand about them being more work to read than other books.

    Incidentially, I also listened to Austenland and the narrator was HILARIOUS!


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