
Sunday, November 1, 2009

Photography 101

Are you interested in taking better pictures? For my birthday last year Reed gave me a new camera. I was so excited because I have always enjoyed taking pictures but this new camera and having Addie have bumped it up to an obsession.

I have taken a few pictures that I really like but I am always interested in getting better. One of my New Years Resolutions last year was to learn more about photography. I haven't done that yet. I've taken thousands of pictures but I haven't really learned how to take good ones.

So for the next 9 weeks, yes that is all the time we have left until the new year, I am going to work on this 12 weeks to better photos class. I am really interested in this class because it is free and you can go at your own pace.

You are all welcome to join me. I'll post the link to the article and at the end of the week show some examples of my homework. I'm really excited about this. I tried to do this on my own a few months ago but I never got anywhere. I think being accountable to this blog will really help this time.

So for those that would like to join in here is the first weeks article. After you read the article you have some homework where you practice taking pictures with what you've learned. If you don't have a camera where you can change the settings just wait until the 5th week, you will be able to do all of the lessons from that point.

I need all the help I can get, everyone should do it with me! I'll post your favorite pictures here or link back to your blog if you are interested. Tell all your friends.

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