
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Menu Plan Monday, 8th Week

I am so excited because Sunday my husband and I leave for a five day cruise! I'm really scared about leaving Addie, I've never been away from her for more than one night. I'm going to go through withdrawal. On that note, if anyone has ever been to Key West or Cozumel and knows any great places to eat or/and suggestions on what to do there for a few hours let me know! I would love any recommendations!

Monday: Pineapple Pork Chops

Tuesday: Pancakes

Wednesday: Sweet Potato and Black Bean Burrito (still haven't tried these)

Thursday: Guiltless Fettuchini Alfredo with asparagus

Friday:Homemade Pizza

Saturday: Leftovers or something easy

Sunday:Leave for Miami

For more Menu Plans visit I'm an Organizing Junkie.


  1. A cruise sounds exciting! I know what you mean about leaving the kidlet behind though. When DH and I went away 4 days and left ours with my mom, I missed him so much by day 2, lol.

    Pineapple Pork Chops sound super yummy. Thanks!

  2. Oh have fun! I know it's difficult because when our teen went to see family for 2 wks my husband and I spent the first few days worrying and not enjoying ourselves.

    Lots of good food here.

  3. You will have so much fun! Enjoy your time away. I would love for you to join me on Crock Pot Wedneswday. Come check it out.

  4. A cruise! Awesome. Enjoy yourself. The pineapple pork chops and sweet potato black bean burrito both sound so good.

  5. Have fun on your vacation! The menu looks yummy.


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