
Sunday, August 16, 2009

Menu Plan Monday, 3rd Week

Wow time flies, I can't believe it's been a whole week already. Here's my menu plan for this week. I'm going to try to post some of the recipes for these meals as I make them. I'm really excited for these recipes, they are some of my favorites.

Monday: Chicken California
Tuesday: Leftovers
Wednesday: Salmon with fresh salsa
Thursday: Ham Fried Rice with Sweet and Sour Chicken
Friday:Homemade Pizza (didn't make this last week)
Saturday:Breakfast for Dinner
Sunday: Pork Tacos

Click Here for more Menu Plan Mondays.


  1. Pork on tacos, eh? Never had it, sounds good though!


  2. Chicken california? now I'm intrigued in that bone

  3. I'm looking forward to Salmon+Salsa on Wednesday. Those little creatures are tasty!

    Looking at the picture of the BBQ chicken salad from last week is making me hungry.

  4. you should share the salmon and salsa recipe ;) that sounds really yummy!


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