
Sunday, August 9, 2009

Menu Plan Monday, 2nd Week

Alright, 2nd post for Menu Plan Monday. I'm pretty excited. Last week went pretty good, although I had to change a few things because we didn't know my husband would have to work late.

Monday: BBQ Chicken Salad
Tuesday: Macho Nachos (Recipe below)
Wednesday: Pork Chops with rice and spinach
Thursday: Lagoon with the Family
Friday: Homemade Deep Dish Pizza (the best recipe, sooo good)
Saturday: Eat out with friends
Sunday: Crock pot Chicken and Spagetti

Macho Nachos
This is one of those meals that is not healthy but it's easy and quick. Plus my husband LOVES it.

Tortilla Chips
Can of Chili
Any toppings you prefer. In our family we like:
Green Peppers
Banana Peppers

Arrange chips in a dish (we like to use a pie plate). Heat up Chili in microwave for a few minutes, just until hot. While the chili is heating up prepare toppings and grate cheese. Layer chili onto of chips, add cheese and toppings. Place under broiler just to melt the cheese. Enjoy.

For more Menu Plan Mondays visit I'm an Organizing Junkie.


  1. Nice menu. I really like homemade pizza. Have a great week.

  2. HI! I am stopping by from Org Junkie’s site! Your menu looks yummy. :-)

    Macho Nachos, too funny! We make the exact same thing but use Frito Corn Chips and call it Frito Pie :-)

    Kelli – 3 Boys & a Dog: homeschooling, recipes, reviews, giveaways, Fave Friday & more!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. i didnt know you started this blog. i am so excited to read it and get tips!

  5. Hello!! Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday. I love your Macho Nacho...we have that too..But it comes from the Mennonite side of our family and they call it Haystacks..My Son and Hubby LOVE IT...I think its great that you are Menu planning..and this is your second week. I have been doing forever and never thought that it would become part of my blog..but my blog had taken a totally new direction and I love again thanks for stopping by and Im adding you to my reading list. Thanks Jeanne


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