
Friday, July 24, 2009

Money Maker: You Data

I am going to tell you about a little way to make a few extra dollars a year. Yes you read right, only a few dollars a year but if you're like me you don't mind doing something ridiculously easy to earn a little money. You Data is a site where you get paid to look at websites, the company is essentially paying you for the advertising. All you do is log into the site and if there is anything available at that time you click on a link and a new website appears. That's pretty much it. You earn about ten cents, give or take, but you literally don't have to really do anything. The only problem is there may not be very many ads for you to click on. I've gone a few weeks without anything. Everything is free to sign up, you do have to answer a few surveys questions for them to find websites that may interest you, but I think it's a pretty sweet deal.
Click Here to start earning money!

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