
Friday, July 31, 2009

Frugal Friday: Watch Free Movies

Many people may already know this tip, but I thought I would share it for anyone who doesn't yet know the wonderful power of "hold" at your library.

Did you know you can place any item in your library system on Hold and it will come to you! Just log into the libraries website and search for the movie and then place on hold. If the movie is new to DVD it may take a while to get to you but you won't have to pay any fees for watching (unless you return it late which I have done a time or two). This also works with books or CDs. Whenever I find a book I want to read I just place it on hold and wait for it to come to me. This works for the Salt Lake County Library, I have never tried any other system but give it a try! Search for that movie you've been dying to watch.

If you're in Salt Lake and want to give it a try go Here and click on Library Catalog to start.

For more Frugal Friday tips visit Life as a Mom.

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